Suzanne Booth


Two Tales

Gezamenlijke tentoonstelling met Gerry Zweegers van 18 tot en met 22 december.

Opening woensdag 18 december van 19u tot 21.30u. 
Open op donderdag en vrijdag van 18 tot 20u en op zaterdag en zondag van 14u tot 17u.

Suzanne Booth’s paintings express spontaneous, direct gesture as if the forms are still in the process of moving to come into definition.

The gestures are frequently unpredictable, abandoning clear cut structured composition in favour of an assortment of objects and symbols in nature in their free form.The intent is not to create a recognisable image, but to convey the emotion to spend time with a painting; to reflect, investigate, imagine.

Suzanne Booth lives and paints in Antwerp.